
That ICPA NT requests that the Dept of Education and Training provides targeted support and funding to the Additional Needs team at Schools of the Air to educate and support Home Tutors and families of students who are Geographically Isolated and have recognised additional needs.


In recent years the NT Government has introduced “Inclusion and Well being Teams” into Public Schools, which has certainly improved support for enrolled students and their families. There is still a gap for remote and Geographically Isolated students between identifying an issue and obtaining a timely diagnosis. The role of an Educational Psychologist within the Schools of the Air would greatly improve the diagnosis pathway and outcomes for these students. 

Most geographically isolated parents and Home Tutors of students with learning difficulties are not trained teachers. Their role is to assist the student with their learning, supporting the School of the Air curriculum. Due to the ‘satellite’ nature of distance education classrooms, it is greatly difficult for the teachers to get an understanding of a student’s capabilities and challenges through an online learning platform.